Our community’s thoughts


I originally had asthma, but since using SOD, my symptoms have been much relieved every month, and my mood has also become much more relaxed.


I recovered from recovered from COVID within 2 days after taking SOD-like, I will continue taking this supplement as I feel my immune system getting stronger every day. 


I am a 31-year-old independent single woman

I love freedom and admire to be beauty, there is no woman that does not wants to look younger and be an ageless women. I always perform standard beauty routine to maintain my appearance, and will also occasionally perform medical cosmetic micro-procedures. However, recovery from the medical cosmetic micro-procedures has been significantly slower than before. I wish to not only be young on my appearance, I wish to also be young from the inside and out. Taking Sod-like after every procedures has helped speeding up my recovery, reduce bruises, and also help me reduce dark spots and melanin deposits


I am a fitness coach, and I exercise much more than the average person. I have notice a huge improvement in my stamina during my long term high-intensity workout.

I also feel a speedy muscle recovery after consuming Sod-Like which solve the discomfort aches after intense workout.

It restore my physical strength and maintain health at increase energy level. Thank you Okusaki Lab for making such good products!

I would love to recommend all fitness coaches like us and also my students to consume SOD-Like.


Used it for my mom(60 years old) for knee pain twice daily for 10 days then only once daily on empty stomach since then but it relieved completely the pain in left knee.

She feels no more pain and is able to do her regular walking.

Happy that shes feeling better now.

Mrs. Lee

I heard that SOD-Like, with its high antioxidant components, can combat oxidative damage to cells. I’ve always wanted to improve the accumulated dark spots and acne scars from many years. After taking it for a month, I can clearly feel an improvement in the dark spots and melanin deposits on my face. I believe that continuing to take it will make my skin smoother and help maintain cellular youth while preventing aging.

Mr. Tan

I am a 42-year-old construction site manager.

Although I have become accustomed to the fumes in the harsh construction site, and the bumps and soreness from the labour works, my partner would still be worried about me. One day when I came home from work, my partner bought me sod-like. It not only improved the dermatitis that had been bothering me for a long time, but also improved my sleep quality. I felt more energetic.

Jing Ru

I am always feeling tired even if I’m well rested. Sometimes I need to rely on sleeping pills for a longer sleep, but it makes me feel groggy the next morning. One day, I was having sore throat and fatigue, after consuming SOD-Like for 4-5 days, i feel it strengthen my immune system, I’m more energised now and I can sleep better at night. 

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